"A caring Catholic community celebrating & sacrificially sharing God's love with all peoples through spirituality, scripture, sacrament, stewardship, study, and service."
Cathedral Ladies - President, Julie Garland, (409-239-6892; Garland_10905@msn.com) All ladies of the parish are invited to attend the monthly meetings held on the 1st Sunday of every other. month. Please see our bulletin for specific times
Respect Life - Chair, Nedra Magee (409-898-1336).
Serra Club of Beaumont - The mission of Serra Club is to foster and support vocations to the priesthood. Monthy meetings for members are held at St. Anne Church's on Calder at 11th St. in Beaumont on the 3rd Thursdays of each month at 6PM in Holub Hall. Contact: Carol Fernandez (409-924-4412). Serrans attend the 5:15 p.m. Mass at St. Anne's prior to their monthly meeting.
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